Heritage Arts Trail
Commemorating & Remembering 100 years of the Royal Air Force in conjunction with
Norfolk airfields
The 2018 project began with visits to the Heritage Centre at RAF Marham. With the help of the centre the 40 airfields to focus on were decided and research was done on a continuous basis
Photographs and documents were discussed and worked through to establish the usage of each airfield to enable the airfield information sheet to be designed. Further visits to the centre as well as visits to different airfields assisted with the research and talks by Flt Lt Tony Hall helped bring more substance to the project , with a very informative evening on the Monuments of War - looking specifically at Norfolk
The studio days at the beginning of the project began by helping the staff with the moulding of the aircraft. Soon after arrival, an initial briefing was given and the work in progress in the studio was explained . Different types of medium were shown and photographs of end projects as well as the videos of them being made were shown throughout the day. Cadets assisted with the aircraft making which was in process and helped get the silica mould ready for the fibreglass and resin to be added. As the next stage of the aircraft moulding began ( after drying, and setting ) cadets shadowed the staff to learn the skill processes.
Youth involvement.....
Powerpoint presentations were designed and given to some primary schools in the areas of the airfields. Then the aircraft, once received were distributed to schools and air cadet squadrons to be decorated. They were then returned and erected along with the History boards that were designed by cadets in conjunction with Royal Air Force Marham. Pictured above are children from Bacton School with the spitfire before
painting. Each school has been given the information of the importance of 'their' airfield to help them understand the timeline of the RAF